Inspiration for me is found in the hills while hiking when I have trouble finding it in other forms
Inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes, it comes when your looking for it and other times it can come unexpectedly. But then, there are other times when the inspiration to paint is just not there. When this occurs I usually put down my brush and put on my hiking boots and head for the hills. I find that no matter how uninspired I am, as a landscape painter, I can always find something on a hike to ignite the flames of inspiration and get me back to the canvas, plus sometimes you just need to get away and take a break from a project so you can come back to with a fresh perspective.
Revisiting the place I'm painting always helps getting me back in front of the canvas, but that isn't an option that's always possible. There have been times I've been working on a painting of the Sierra Mountains or a place that I backpacked into weeks or even years ago, but that usually is not a practical place to go and revisit for an afternoon, nor would it be possible. However, finding a trail in my neck of the woods and wondering through the trees or meadows becomes a perfect pause for me to reflect on the project I'm working on at the time and can reset my inspiration. Finding places to watch the fog pour in over the hills and through the valleys not only helps stimulate creativity, but brings down blood pressure and gives a moment or two to relax and stop to enjoy a lung full of fresh air.
In short, inspiration comes to different people in a varying ways, but for me I find mine on the trails in the hills. My landscape paintings are fueled by wilderness areas and the light from different times of day and when I am refreshed by the beauty that surrounds me, I find my inspiration in the places I find when I am exploring the hills.